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Тестовое сообщение

Сообщений 1 страница 13 из 13


Благодарим за выбор нашего сервиса!






Welcome aboard guys !

Let's keep this boad as plain and clean as posible .
For the "well-being" of everybody, some important advice about the way sharing our treasures.

How to upload (and download) files very safely :

I have no time to argument the various points

First point :

Never surf, download, upload, etc... "naked". That means always under proxy(ies). The best/easiest (taken together) solution, by far, is using the Tor-proxies network ("onion"-encrypted chained proxies). I won't discuss the alternatives (chained proxies out of the Tor network).

Go to   read, understand how Tor works and DL the latest stable Vidalia bundle (Tor + Privoxy)
very, very short
-the entry node knows who you are, but has no idea of whatever you want
-your requests are encrypted from your machine to the exit node according to the onion encryption concept (FAI spoofing is not possible)
-the exit node has your request in clear, but has no idea where this request originate from.
- From this point to the destination, the data are NOT encrypted

If someone can (could) monitor at the same time, and long enough, the encrypted incoming flow of an entry node and the outgoing unencrypted flow of an exit node, a correlation can (could) be made between the requests and the requesting IPs : that's traffic analysis and... it is not so simple.

I assume now  you do use Tor

Even with this prerequisite, file sharing services based in western countries remain problematic for uploading (and downloading !) sensitive files because :
- The whole activity is logged (up- and downloads, IPs and referers)
- Not only the so-called justice, but also the police has now permanently free access to these data
- Fast all these sites require Javascript enabled to upload or download a file. That is potentially very bad in terms of security, even if you access the site with Tor (or others chained proxies as well).

The main concerns are about avoiding :
1 )- A too easy targeting of "sensitive" files by the administrators with 2 consequences :
- A short-term deletion of the files
- A possible analysis of the activity logs (worse : setup of malicious scripts in order to break the anonymity of the proxied downloads).

2) - Highlights on this forum as a source for sensitive files, which can lead to a special monitoring (denying any utility to the encryption of the posted archives, as the PWs are given here)
In that way, uploading unencrypted files or files with suggestive names to a service requiring Javascript is very, very bad, because the referer is known even for a proxied access. In seconds a screening of the activity logs will give the origine of the download links (this forum) ! It's not good for all of us to upload anything in such a careless way.

With all this in mind, a good uploading solution would be to :

First, something like a foreword :

You have to understand the following advice is designed to counter most possible attacks against Tor I found, browsing the open scientific literature (issued from researchers in computer science). I am...I... got two Ph.D. in science (at least I can say that  because it's quite common). So, maybe, I'm more used than others to survey and summarize vast amounts of material. It is impossible to know whether or not some of these possible attacks are effectively used by the various Western LEAs. In the doubt, it's better to assume that this possibility does exist (especially about the consequences of LEAs running Tor entry and exit-nodes for traffic analysis and about the vicious capabilities of Javascript - not to speak from Java and others scripts).

It's clear that we are speaking here about high security levels. Even if you use Tor with Javascript enabled and without any other special care, your safety will be a thousand times better than when you surf, download or upload "naked" with your real IP like a sitting duck !

It will also be much, much better than giving to everybody (you don't know and you cannot trust) an Hotmail address (for instance) in the course of multiple "trading" processes. Hotmail requires Javascript. Your mails (mostly, I think, unencrypted) are kept for a long time on servers and all mails and attachments can be easily searched for "questionable" keywords/strings. Accesses are logged (like for others Web-based mails). If one of your (even trusted) "contact" is caught, his/her addressbook will give your address. If you created the account or accessed it (only one time) unproxied, that address is in no way anonymous.

It's much better to be paranoid before a problem, than after...
After, it's too late.

Now, my hints for extra-safety when uploading "sensitive" files:

- Never use Internet Explorer (too much intricated in the OS) Better use Firefox (updated version)

- Always use Firefox with the NoScript add-on (updated version) Normally the default mode now does not allow any script. That's the right way. Only allow privileges (Javascript most commonly) for trusted sites.

- It's good to use AgentSwitcher add-on. So you appear to be using InternetExplorer (the most common browser)

    short and again use Tor/Firefox/NoScript/AgentSwitcher

- Always set English as the preferred language in your settings because it's the most common choice (and not your own native language if not English)

- When you want to use Tor with Firefox : Everytime before accessing any other site, go to an IP-checker site (like and read the results. Maybe, last time, for any reason, you had to access the Internet directly and you so changed the settings of Firefox and your firewall. Check and check again before doing anything. After it's too late...You left tracks.
I don't use the Tor button (from Vidalia bundle) in order to avoid a mistaken toggling. If necessary, I change manually the Firefox settings.

- When Tor circuits are established, eliminate ("close") those where all 3 nodes are located in the same country : Just close the circuits and Tor will build other ones.  A situation where the nodes 1 (entry) and 3 (exit) are in the same country is also, potentially, as bad.
All others configurations, including 1-2 and 2-3 in the same country, are OK.

- If you upload a lot, always to the same server, try to vary the time-patterns of your uploads (not everyday at the same time). NA if you upload once a while

- Look also at the node speeds. For a quick and successful upload (avoiding deconnections from server), it's better to rely on a Tor circuit with quite good Byterates for the 3 nodes of the circuit. Avoid the bottleneck effect of a single very slow node which spoils the efficiency of the whole circuit.

- never upload anything unencrypted

- put the files to upload in a RAR-archive. You can split the archive as you like with Win-RAR. Doing so you can accomodate the upload filesize-limit of a server and/or increase security by posting the various parts to differents servers.

- check the option "encrypt filenames" (doing this, the original filenames, even suggestive, are no danger) You can do this with WinRAR (to RAR), but I think you cannot do this inside a ZIP archive.

- use a strong PW (and not always the same)

- give the archive a name as plain as possible : never any original filename, never any suggestive name. If you post an archive named "7yold barebottom spanking" it will not last a very long time ! (and that would be very bad :-(
Try to imagine what "standard" people could upload.
Vary the language (if you can) and the geographical and social connotation of your fake names.

- Put the RAR-archive(s) to be uploaded at the root of a volume ("C" usually) and not in a folder, especially not in a deep-located folder like "my pictures" (according to your language).

- use a file sharing service which allows up- and downloads without Javascript enabled.
Thats means avoiding the vast majority (if not ALL) of the major Western based file sharing sites. Do an upload test in your default configuration (Javascript disabled via NoScript add-on and see what happens).

- As a Western guy, use, if possible, a Russia-based file sharing service. As far I know, Russians don't care about seeing a child being spanked in RL and, as a consequence, on the Internet !
I like these 2 file sharing sites, which are located in Russia and don't require Javascript :           (caution 20 Mo limit)
    If you find others let us know !

(My apologies for the bad English : It's not my native and even not my preferred foreign language !)



Testing agin



Testing again again



Testing again again






Hello Fred, I Ugo (TEST MESSAGE)



Hello everybody,
It's not easy...
I hope this will come through..
I wonder how many regulars saw my message in iMGSCR.
I'd like hope to see again all the nice guys of

For all the regulars of the vanished (What can I say, maybe... I warned you) who want to enjoy again a simple place to share.

Especially (I know there were a lot at spank.forum24)
For those who don't like a “god-admin”, a closed section, a 3 or 4 or 5 stages “Royal-Club”...
For those who don't like the very idea to have to beg and to send stuff to the god-admin via Personal Message (Maybe there is nothing in the closed section, except your stuff...) for admission.
For those who don't like the deep trading-spirit of the new ”forums” (rip-off ?)

It's not at all my forum and I don't have to invite you.
If that place can be useful, just come and you did

If there is another active normal forum(no closed Royal-Imperial-Club and other...shit !) I'm not aware , let me know. I'll join...

We could post something, even if not new (repost of our DL-links), just to bring some life..

Mixed archive = Mix07122601.rar   
PW = 4Tcl6Z73KoQmbR6EF482hDfoBvr84E48ZcboT29

A naughty little girl (Spankobear Production) = Norwegen   
Part 1 Norwegen.part1.rar   
Part 2  Norwegen.part2.rar
PW = ad4Gy5hvD93nodRF65cvYi7ldP83Edsx53u8iE5

Spankobear's hobby
hxxp://     no PW

And don't wait for me, because I'm NOT the boss here !





I'm going to be away for a few days (RL outside hobby)
If someone can read Russian, please give us some practical information about the commands and the right way to post here.

Sometimes people hesitate to post because they are concerned with their safety.
Now you don't have this excuse any more.
So let's try to make this place a little spanko heaven.





Why not using this place ?

You can post links using servers located in Russia and not requiring Javascript like
and     (caution 20 Mo limit) either for up- and for downloading.

NEVER use a Western-based service requiring Javascript like Rapidshare.




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